Peacham Town Clerk
Danville-Peacham Senior Meals
Northern Skies Observatory in Peacham
Peacham Acoustic Music Festival
Peacham Cafe
Peacham Community Housing
Peacham Corner Guild
Peacham Elementary School and School Board
Peacham Fall Foliage
Peacham Farmers Market
Peacham Fourth of July
Peacham Historical Association
Peacham Library
Peacham Snow Roller Museum
Peacham Town Portrait, July 4th, 2000
Peacham Volunteer Fire Department
Peacham Winter Carnival
Vermont EMS District #5

Peacham Links

Contact Information


Peacham Community Housing (PCH) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit whose mission is to support and enable community projects that enhance Peacham's quality of life, including housing and services specifically for low and moderate-income individuals, families, seniors, and people with disabilities.

Please consider donating to us! For more information, email:

Follow this link to a Paypal donation site for us

Or send a check to: Peacham Community Housing, PO BOX 229, Peacham VT 05862

The Harry Barnes Award

Peacham Community Housing is dedicated to providing affordable housing for Peacham residents while offering and supporting programs and services that enhance the quality of life for all in Peacham. This community enjoys remarkable volunteer service in support of the health and safety, welfare, cultural vitality, education and community spirit that define and distinguish Peacham. The PCH Board of Directors honors and celebrates that extraordinary community service by presenting the annual Harry Barnes Award. A former diplomat and US ambassador to Romania, India and Chile, Harry Barnes also served as director of the Carter Center's Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Programs and as a founder of the Institute for Sustainable Communities, based here in Vermont. Arriving in Peacham upon his retirement from government service, along with his wife, writer Betsey Barnes, he soon found himself involved in local volunteer activities and brought energy, wisdom and vision to community endeavors from senior housing to the creation of a community cafe and store. Harry Barnes died in 2012. Harry Barnes' life of service exemplifies the long tradiion that has been the backbone of Peacham community's character. Each year at its Annual Meeting, PCH will announce one or more recipients of the Harry Barnes Award, recognizing those whose extraordinary volunteer service has sustained the spirit that Harry embodied.

Kenerson building - fully occupied with 7 people inhabiting 6 units.

Science Building - the PCH Board continues to work with our partners to make the Science Building Functional again. .

Click here for Google shared drive documents

Peacham Farmers Market - The Market (Thursday from 3 to 6 PM) was launched in 2010,
and PCH provides the land and the organizational structure necessary for this community enhancement.
Over the years, attendance has doubled, and the range of products is increasing every year. See you there!

Peacham Cafe, LLC - In 2011 we worked with a newly formed group and
developed a subsidiary to allow them to further pursue the development of a cafe
and related services in the heart of Peacham (and by utilizing a building owned by PCH, the "Bus Barn").
The Peacham Cafe opened in 2014
This partnership demonstrates the opportunities of working with PCH.

PCH owns and operates the Old Town Offices and Bus Barn .
This space is used by the Peacham Corner Guild which offers local crafts and gifts.
The Peacham Cafe is located just north of the Peacham Corner Guild

The maintenance and capital improvements required for our buildings exceed existing annual revenues, and our fund raising efforts result in 100% of the funding going toward these projects. Please contact any board member for more information. We truly appreciate your consideration.

Thank you, The PCH Board: Jake Thomas, President; Alfred Dedam, Vice-President; Lisa Moore, Treasurer; Morgan Gold, Secretary; Diana Senturia, Allison Webster

Please consider joining us! For more information, email:

Or Visit Our Facebook Page

Please refer to the Bylaws for a fuller definition of our work.



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